These are ALL Indian companies that import H-1B tech workers en masse:
Cognizant (93k)
Infosys (61k)
Tata Consultancy Services (60k)
Tech Mahindra
These aren’t American companies that needed international talent to fill critical roles. They’re foreign companies that appear to have been founded to place overseas tech workers into US companies as contractors.
This isn’t a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it’s been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.
Investment banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Citibank, Amazon, Google, Universities, IBM, The Big Four, Disney and Accounting Firms all hire through H-1B.
America needs to be a destination for the world’s most elite talent. But the H-1B program isn’t the way to do that.
Elon KNOWS this. He KNOWS we haven't stormed the ramparts over something as STUPID as using H1B to fill temporary, highly-specialized gaps in the American labor supply until Americans can fill them. It's about the ABUSE of a program that was DESIGNED to be abused.
H1B needs ENDING.
ALSO--it needs to be REPLACED with something that actually WORKS the way we were told H1B is SUPPOSED TO WORK.
That's not contemptible OR foolish. It's a WIN-WIN if you're not too stupid to see it.
The problem is a government fix for a government program never seems to work if history shows anything and you're not too stupid to see it. Scrap the program, keep the lobbyists and big corps out of inventing a new one. We seem to have plenty of H-1B visa holders in the US now to keep the wheels of business from falling off while the work is done along with a plethora of American workers that want a fair days work for a fair pay; sadly, if only our legislators were up for it...
There already is the O-1 visa program for 'exceptional talent' - and it requires people verify this before being approved. And the numbers of those approved is relatively small. So H-1B can be eliminated, it does NOT need to be reformed or replaced.
H-1B and other work visas are a racket for those companies wanting cheap labor. America is the greatest market in the world. If companies want to build and sell products here they need to use American workers. If the schools aren't producing the kind of workers we need then lets talk about that. When I was young, large companies worked with schools to ensure graduates were the people they needed. Work visas should be for temporary needs, not a continuing program. At the end of the contract the visa holder and any offspring should go home. The same with farm labor. I had a dairy. I had American workers. I paid minimum wage even though farm labor was exempt. I also supplied housing, power and water at no cost. Don't cry to me about farm labor costs. Food cost what it costs. There is no restriction on food prices, just market forces.
A part of the labor problem is the easy welfare for people that don't want to work. Welfare, food stamps and other help should require a drug test. Currently we subsidize drug users to live on our streets and crap on the sidewalks. When I was growing up, 1940s and 1950s, busses use to come to the local skid row and give the winos a ride to the fields and orchards. They were our pickers and probably had a better life because of the exercise and some money in their pocket. As a teen I picked. Farming has gone away from large numbers of farm labor. Machines do most of the picking, sorting, and packaging now.
We supply housing, food and money to illegal immigrants. If I was poor, in a foreign country, I'd come here too. Word like that travels fast. But it seems like the people that are already here should have the room for their families to grow before we bring in more people.
Welfare is a Huge part of the unraveling of America. Why are people on welfare when “help wanted” signs are everywhere? Granted, we’re not talking tech jobs as the focus of this article, but the idea of creating dependency on the government contributes to a less skilled workforce.
Why can’t we give peace a chance and end the war on poverty?
Very simply, you did not notice Musk’s own proposals concerning the H-1B program. They match yours IDENTICALLY. But you’re so busy creating a straw man caricature of the man to support your specious arguments — so wrong on so many levels (WHO is accusing Mr. Musk, namely the globalists who hate him over X, to prevailing wage restraints on H-1Bs by DOL, to the notion that you can’t desire to save mankind and pragmatically pursue profits and production at the same time) — who is that man you’re criticizing? It’s certainly not Mr. Musk.
The 'reform' of H-1B is still a scam and will still supplant US jobs for US citizens. I do not agree with Elon's 'reforms'. There is no general agreement on this, so don't state it as if it was a done deal. It's not a deal that I (or many other Americans) want. We want H-1B gone - full stop.
Yes. The call for a total ban on H1B has been made loud and clear. Your article is intensely disingenuous about this and appears as an attempt at deflecting and downshifting to make this disastrous national situation go away from the front of the national conversation. There are literally homeless white programmers panhandling for food on the sidewalks of Silicon Valley, who have been made homeless because the now majority Indian run companies now in turn shun them for their own people. The soup kitchens there have lines that go the length of a football field. Most of the people brought in are low to mid level personnel not “top 0.1% talent”, brought in because they have no leverage, get exploited and paid about 30-50% less. The CEOs (criminal executive officers) grant themselves rich bonuses for never ending “costs saving” on labor. The end result can be seen in most major US corporates with firms like Verizon or Amex: on the inside it looks like New Delhi. The inefficiency is stunning. Whereas before it took 2, 3, 4 US workers, now you have daily project calls with 10, 20, 80 Indians sitting on the calls, billing and milking the company. The standard of living of the average American has collapsed well over 50% since the 1970s. The inshoring invasion of a termite like culture that has displaced the citizen inside their own country is only one big piece. The Indians and their now mega body mill companies like Cognizant pay lobbyists to lie to politicians and media, falsely claiming “we can’t find the needed talent” in the US. The other big piece is the relentless offshoring of hundreds of thousands of good jobs mostly into Asia, devastating the US middle class for over 3 decades without anyone raising their a hand to say : “Hey, let’s stop this insanity!”.
Spot on. These observations highlight exactly why Bannon and War Room will drive this national conversation - ad nauseum - until unconditional surrender!
Look at how rapid response to highlighting exactly what has been happening - More people know all about HB1 in a 24-hour news cycle than any study or discussion of it in the past twenty years!
This is exactly how the Continuing Resolution nightmare unfolded in two days - and - TRUMP HAS NOT YET TAKEN THE OATH!
I'll take MAGA FRIES with my revolution Mr. President - and - I will NOT subsidize a foreign worker to serve em'! I will bet you a Happy Meal that the Elon/Viveckies Team Star Trek announces is first DOGE rule of order will be a full dismantling of HB1....
Absolutely excellent - says it all. And no - we don't want a 'reform' of the scam - we want the scam GONE. Use O-1 visas for 'exceptional talent' and leave it at that.
The bigger story. Why are companies using reshoring of foreign employees vs citizens? profit goals trying to work within the bank systems that continue to devalue the dollar and drive up costs. labor is just another commodity to them and it must be controlled to meet profit obligations to shareholders. ugly catch-22 if you ask me. and the taxpayers not only suffer with lower wages but they get to subsidize the whole game.
The standard of living of the average American has collapsed well over 50% since the 1970s. Whereas before it just took one good job to carry a family, now it takes 2-4 jobs or “gigs” to barely hang in there. Now 50% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck.
Mega companies have also been in-shoring almost 1 million low to mid level underpaid workers into the US every year. American Express is now Indian Express. Same for Verizon, Google, Visa and others.
In Silicon Valley, about 40-60% of neighborhoods are Indians. They have only loyalty to their own. If you’re white, they will wreck and sabotage your career on the inside.
The inshoring invasion of a culture that has displaced the citizen inside their own country is one big piece. The Indians and their now mega body shop companies like Cognizant pay lobbyists to lie to politicians and media, falsely claiming “we can’t find the needed talent” in the US.
Having worked shoulder-to-shoulder with H1B engineers at two different high-tech companies, Amazon being one of them, my experience matches the MAGA position. The hiring of H1B engineers is to flesh out the engineering teams with lower cost talent. The foreign born, foreign educated engineers are not any more capable than their native counterparts. They are indentured workers being paid lower salaries.
There are two additional, related problems. One is offshoring. This means an American company’s IT work is done by people who work remotely in other countries, usually India. They don’t need a visa. It is common for major companies to have offshored 50-90% of their IT. These are IT jobs not available to our labor force. The other is national security. Other countries, mainly India, are running our essential services. Heavy offshoring is done by most banks, telecoms, and even electric utilities. We get along with India right now, but will we always? Do we want to give Indians security clearances so they can create and run our defense systems? And then potentially use that knowledge to build their own? The lack of jobs for recent graduates creates a vicious cycle, as you point out, and this will deepen the national security problem.
This is from Grok:
A study by Everest Group Inc. suggests that over 30% of IT jobs have been offshored by major IT services vendors since 2006. This figure has likely increased over the years, as by 2023, it was noted that 37% of IT-related tasks are handled by external providers, which includes offshoring.
Offshoring is actually a worse problem than H1B, but H1B is often a gateway to offshoring. The reforms we make should include both, because this is an economic problem right now, but a national security problem as soon as students get word that computer science and engineering majors don’t get jobs.
They'd have you believe that H-1B is a meritocracy.
That's a lie.
A VP for Cognizant, who supplies thousands of H-1B workers for Silicon Valley, admitted under oath that visa workers are not more "skilled" than US workers.
Elon, Vivek and Trump all know that it's the O-1 visa, not the H1B that is used to bring the brightest foreigners. They're gaslighting us.
Elon's "fix" is to raise the wages. That won't fix the problem and he knows it. Every American they fire has benefits and can change jobs. They don't have to pay benefits to H1B visa workers and those workers cannot change jobs. So Big-tech pays more in wages with the "fix", but can still fire every American when they hit middle-age are become too expensive. Big tech will save some of the wages and ALL OF THE BENEFITS.
Elon and Trump know this. They're lying.
Trump fired Steve Bannon and the other America First personnel who got him elected in 2016, and hired Reince Priebus to make recommendations for staff. We know how that turned out.
Now, Trump hires liberals; RFK Jr, David Sacks, Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard..and only god knows how many others..who are advising him AGAINST OUR INTERESTS.
Jared and Ivanka advised him against MAGA in his first term. This is repeating that. He's screwing us again.
Today, Trump said Mike Johnson has his full support to be speaker.
When I attended Kansas University in1968, the Calculus course TAs who taught the math labs were all from India. These stem graduates were then transitioned from ed visas to work visas upon graduation. 50 years ago americans were walking away from difficult academic endeavors, taking the easy road. Today, Boeing can't build a plane that flies or a shuttle that works. I would rather board a plane built with H-1B personnel than DEI hired personnel. Musk employs relative few H-1B and Trump almost none; the largest employers of H-1B are companies that are run by H-1Bers, cognizant, google, etc., It makes sense that they would prefer their own. Musk has already articulated a solution involving tarifs and salary floors to increase the cost of foreign born tech personnel. Bannon is the right wing analog of Rachel Maddow and or Joyce Reid. Lets have an adult discussion about this issue. Bannon can opine after be builds a few billion dollar corporation employing 10s of thousands. Until then he is nothing but a bloviating "influencer".
Companies requiring DEI hires does not mean there are no good US citizen engineers. Also, someone working on an H1B does not mean they are an expert in their field. I have worked with many that are the complete opposite, some inexperienced, right out of school. Usually what you get is someone who is rather well off in India that is able to pay to take some training courses and get hired by a local, Indian contracting firm. It is not hard for a company to get an H1B visa, after all it is mostly a lottery. All a company has to do is say they tried to find a US worker for a job but can't and that is very easy to do. There are caps, but even those have workarounds.
Never forget, Americans were silenced by H1B users who run tech ( Google, YouTube, Twitter etc) They lied & covered so badly that an election was stolen. National Security. Plus we train them and return them to their country. Again National Security.
This is a incredibly well written article btw. No fluff. Easy to read and great one liners. This person should start a real newsroom. Excellent work here.
These are ALL Indian companies that import H-1B tech workers en masse:
Cognizant (93k)
Infosys (61k)
Tata Consultancy Services (60k)
Tech Mahindra
These aren’t American companies that needed international talent to fill critical roles. They’re foreign companies that appear to have been founded to place overseas tech workers into US companies as contractors.
This isn’t a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it’s been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.
Investment banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Citibank, Amazon, Google, Universities, IBM, The Big Four, Disney and Accounting Firms all hire through H-1B.
America needs to be a destination for the world’s most elite talent. But the H-1B program isn’t the way to do that.
Elon KNOWS this. He KNOWS we haven't stormed the ramparts over something as STUPID as using H1B to fill temporary, highly-specialized gaps in the American labor supply until Americans can fill them. It's about the ABUSE of a program that was DESIGNED to be abused.
H1B needs ENDING.
ALSO--it needs to be REPLACED with something that actually WORKS the way we were told H1B is SUPPOSED TO WORK.
That's not contemptible OR foolish. It's a WIN-WIN if you're not too stupid to see it.
The problem is a government fix for a government program never seems to work if history shows anything and you're not too stupid to see it. Scrap the program, keep the lobbyists and big corps out of inventing a new one. We seem to have plenty of H-1B visa holders in the US now to keep the wheels of business from falling off while the work is done along with a plethora of American workers that want a fair days work for a fair pay; sadly, if only our legislators were up for it...
There already is the O-1 visa program for 'exceptional talent' - and it requires people verify this before being approved. And the numbers of those approved is relatively small. So H-1B can be eliminated, it does NOT need to be reformed or replaced.
H-1B and other work visas are a racket for those companies wanting cheap labor. America is the greatest market in the world. If companies want to build and sell products here they need to use American workers. If the schools aren't producing the kind of workers we need then lets talk about that. When I was young, large companies worked with schools to ensure graduates were the people they needed. Work visas should be for temporary needs, not a continuing program. At the end of the contract the visa holder and any offspring should go home. The same with farm labor. I had a dairy. I had American workers. I paid minimum wage even though farm labor was exempt. I also supplied housing, power and water at no cost. Don't cry to me about farm labor costs. Food cost what it costs. There is no restriction on food prices, just market forces.
A part of the labor problem is the easy welfare for people that don't want to work. Welfare, food stamps and other help should require a drug test. Currently we subsidize drug users to live on our streets and crap on the sidewalks. When I was growing up, 1940s and 1950s, busses use to come to the local skid row and give the winos a ride to the fields and orchards. They were our pickers and probably had a better life because of the exercise and some money in their pocket. As a teen I picked. Farming has gone away from large numbers of farm labor. Machines do most of the picking, sorting, and packaging now.
We supply housing, food and money to illegal immigrants. If I was poor, in a foreign country, I'd come here too. Word like that travels fast. But it seems like the people that are already here should have the room for their families to grow before we bring in more people.
Welfare is a Huge part of the unraveling of America. Why are people on welfare when “help wanted” signs are everywhere? Granted, we’re not talking tech jobs as the focus of this article, but the idea of creating dependency on the government contributes to a less skilled workforce.
Why can’t we give peace a chance and end the war on poverty?
Very simply, you did not notice Musk’s own proposals concerning the H-1B program. They match yours IDENTICALLY. But you’re so busy creating a straw man caricature of the man to support your specious arguments — so wrong on so many levels (WHO is accusing Mr. Musk, namely the globalists who hate him over X, to prevailing wage restraints on H-1Bs by DOL, to the notion that you can’t desire to save mankind and pragmatically pursue profits and production at the same time) — who is that man you’re criticizing? It’s certainly not Mr. Musk.
"Musk’s own proposals concerning the H-1B program. They match yours IDENTICALLY."
So, the whole "Fuck yourself in the face" and "contemptible fools" who should be removed from the party root and stem--that was somebody else, eh?
Do you need glasses or do you seriously think we're too stupid to know you're lying?
The 'reform' of H-1B is still a scam and will still supplant US jobs for US citizens. I do not agree with Elon's 'reforms'. There is no general agreement on this, so don't state it as if it was a done deal. It's not a deal that I (or many other Americans) want. We want H-1B gone - full stop.
Yes. The call for a total ban on H1B has been made loud and clear. Your article is intensely disingenuous about this and appears as an attempt at deflecting and downshifting to make this disastrous national situation go away from the front of the national conversation. There are literally homeless white programmers panhandling for food on the sidewalks of Silicon Valley, who have been made homeless because the now majority Indian run companies now in turn shun them for their own people. The soup kitchens there have lines that go the length of a football field. Most of the people brought in are low to mid level personnel not “top 0.1% talent”, brought in because they have no leverage, get exploited and paid about 30-50% less. The CEOs (criminal executive officers) grant themselves rich bonuses for never ending “costs saving” on labor. The end result can be seen in most major US corporates with firms like Verizon or Amex: on the inside it looks like New Delhi. The inefficiency is stunning. Whereas before it took 2, 3, 4 US workers, now you have daily project calls with 10, 20, 80 Indians sitting on the calls, billing and milking the company. The standard of living of the average American has collapsed well over 50% since the 1970s. The inshoring invasion of a termite like culture that has displaced the citizen inside their own country is only one big piece. The Indians and their now mega body mill companies like Cognizant pay lobbyists to lie to politicians and media, falsely claiming “we can’t find the needed talent” in the US. The other big piece is the relentless offshoring of hundreds of thousands of good jobs mostly into Asia, devastating the US middle class for over 3 decades without anyone raising their a hand to say : “Hey, let’s stop this insanity!”.
Spot on. These observations highlight exactly why Bannon and War Room will drive this national conversation - ad nauseum - until unconditional surrender!
Look at how rapid response to highlighting exactly what has been happening - More people know all about HB1 in a 24-hour news cycle than any study or discussion of it in the past twenty years!
This is exactly how the Continuing Resolution nightmare unfolded in two days - and - TRUMP HAS NOT YET TAKEN THE OATH!
I'll take MAGA FRIES with my revolution Mr. President - and - I will NOT subsidize a foreign worker to serve em'! I will bet you a Happy Meal that the Elon/Viveckies Team Star Trek announces is first DOGE rule of order will be a full dismantling of HB1....
Absolutely excellent - says it all. And no - we don't want a 'reform' of the scam - we want the scam GONE. Use O-1 visas for 'exceptional talent' and leave it at that.
The bigger story. Why are companies using reshoring of foreign employees vs citizens? profit goals trying to work within the bank systems that continue to devalue the dollar and drive up costs. labor is just another commodity to them and it must be controlled to meet profit obligations to shareholders. ugly catch-22 if you ask me. and the taxpayers not only suffer with lower wages but they get to subsidize the whole game.
Reshoring: bringing back people or factories that were sent away. These people were never sent away from the US to start with.
Inshoring: bringing in labor from the most desperate bidder regions to wreck and crush any price leverage workers could have.
Thank you for the correction!
The standard of living of the average American has collapsed well over 50% since the 1970s. Whereas before it just took one good job to carry a family, now it takes 2-4 jobs or “gigs” to barely hang in there. Now 50% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck.
Mega companies have also been in-shoring almost 1 million low to mid level underpaid workers into the US every year. American Express is now Indian Express. Same for Verizon, Google, Visa and others.
In Silicon Valley, about 40-60% of neighborhoods are Indians. They have only loyalty to their own. If you’re white, they will wreck and sabotage your career on the inside.
The inshoring invasion of a culture that has displaced the citizen inside their own country is one big piece. The Indians and their now mega body shop companies like Cognizant pay lobbyists to lie to politicians and media, falsely claiming “we can’t find the needed talent” in the US.
Here is the data to support what H1B programs have done to America and Americans. EXCELLENT
Having worked shoulder-to-shoulder with H1B engineers at two different high-tech companies, Amazon being one of them, my experience matches the MAGA position. The hiring of H1B engineers is to flesh out the engineering teams with lower cost talent. The foreign born, foreign educated engineers are not any more capable than their native counterparts. They are indentured workers being paid lower salaries.
Bravo, well said!
There are two additional, related problems. One is offshoring. This means an American company’s IT work is done by people who work remotely in other countries, usually India. They don’t need a visa. It is common for major companies to have offshored 50-90% of their IT. These are IT jobs not available to our labor force. The other is national security. Other countries, mainly India, are running our essential services. Heavy offshoring is done by most banks, telecoms, and even electric utilities. We get along with India right now, but will we always? Do we want to give Indians security clearances so they can create and run our defense systems? And then potentially use that knowledge to build their own? The lack of jobs for recent graduates creates a vicious cycle, as you point out, and this will deepen the national security problem.
This is from Grok:
A study by Everest Group Inc. suggests that over 30% of IT jobs have been offshored by major IT services vendors since 2006. This figure has likely increased over the years, as by 2023, it was noted that 37% of IT-related tasks are handled by external providers, which includes offshoring.
Offshoring is actually a worse problem than H1B, but H1B is often a gateway to offshoring. The reforms we make should include both, because this is an economic problem right now, but a national security problem as soon as students get word that computer science and engineering majors don’t get jobs.
They'd have you believe that H-1B is a meritocracy.
That's a lie.
A VP for Cognizant, who supplies thousands of H-1B workers for Silicon Valley, admitted under oath that visa workers are not more "skilled" than US workers.
90 Percent of Indian Engineers Lack Key Skills - American engineers, on average, are far better than those from India and China.'s the O-1 visa that is meant to bring in those foreigners with extreme talent/IQ.
The H1B is only to fill slots where there are no Americans who can do the job. That is being abused.
Thank you. Well written and on point.
Elon, Vivek and Trump all know that it's the O-1 visa, not the H1B that is used to bring the brightest foreigners. They're gaslighting us.
Elon's "fix" is to raise the wages. That won't fix the problem and he knows it. Every American they fire has benefits and can change jobs. They don't have to pay benefits to H1B visa workers and those workers cannot change jobs. So Big-tech pays more in wages with the "fix", but can still fire every American when they hit middle-age are become too expensive. Big tech will save some of the wages and ALL OF THE BENEFITS.
Elon and Trump know this. They're lying.
Trump fired Steve Bannon and the other America First personnel who got him elected in 2016, and hired Reince Priebus to make recommendations for staff. We know how that turned out.
Now, Trump hires liberals; RFK Jr, David Sacks, Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard..and only god knows how many others..who are advising him AGAINST OUR INTERESTS.
Jared and Ivanka advised him against MAGA in his first term. This is repeating that. He's screwing us again.
Today, Trump said Mike Johnson has his full support to be speaker.
We've been played..again.
When I attended Kansas University in1968, the Calculus course TAs who taught the math labs were all from India. These stem graduates were then transitioned from ed visas to work visas upon graduation. 50 years ago americans were walking away from difficult academic endeavors, taking the easy road. Today, Boeing can't build a plane that flies or a shuttle that works. I would rather board a plane built with H-1B personnel than DEI hired personnel. Musk employs relative few H-1B and Trump almost none; the largest employers of H-1B are companies that are run by H-1Bers, cognizant, google, etc., It makes sense that they would prefer their own. Musk has already articulated a solution involving tarifs and salary floors to increase the cost of foreign born tech personnel. Bannon is the right wing analog of Rachel Maddow and or Joyce Reid. Lets have an adult discussion about this issue. Bannon can opine after be builds a few billion dollar corporation employing 10s of thousands. Until then he is nothing but a bloviating "influencer".
Companies requiring DEI hires does not mean there are no good US citizen engineers. Also, someone working on an H1B does not mean they are an expert in their field. I have worked with many that are the complete opposite, some inexperienced, right out of school. Usually what you get is someone who is rather well off in India that is able to pay to take some training courses and get hired by a local, Indian contracting firm. It is not hard for a company to get an H1B visa, after all it is mostly a lottery. All a company has to do is say they tried to find a US worker for a job but can't and that is very easy to do. There are caps, but even those have workarounds.
Never forget, Americans were silenced by H1B users who run tech ( Google, YouTube, Twitter etc) They lied & covered so badly that an election was stolen. National Security. Plus we train them and return them to their country. Again National Security.
This is a incredibly well written article btw. No fluff. Easy to read and great one liners. This person should start a real newsroom. Excellent work here.
It will be revealing when someone disagrees or says “No” to Elon. I’ll bet it doesn’t happen very often…if ever.
Is he completely spoiled by his enormous wealth?
What will happen if Trump reins in Musk? Will Elon take his toys and go home?